Getting started

Log in with Spotify

Click on the "Log in with Spotify" button to connect your Spotify account. You can do it later when you're ready to save your playlist.

Create a Spotify playlist with Playlisty

Creating a playlist on our web app is a breeze! We offer you a variety of options to curate your perfect Spotify playlist. Whether you prefer selecting artists, albums, or individual songs, we've got you covered.

What can you do?

Search for Artists, Albums, or Tracks

Using the search bar, enter the name of an artist, album, or track that you want to include in your playlist.


To include the top 10 tracks of an artist, simply select the artist from the search results, and they will be automatically added to your playlist. If you want to include all tracks by an artist, select the artist and choose the "All Tracks" option.


Select the desired album from the search results, and all tracks from that album will be added to your playlist.


Choose a specific track from the search results, and it will be added to your playlist. If you want to discover similar tracks to the one selected, choose the "Similar Tracks" option, and a collection of related songs will be added to your playlist.